Publicações científicas do grupo (últimos anos)
Isolation of an antioxidant naphthoquinone from coelomic fluid of the Antarctic Sterechinus neumayery sea urchin
Autophagy-lysosomal pathway impairment and cathepsin dysregulation in Alzheimer’s disease
Potential use of quercetin in the reduction of craving in cocaine-dependent patients-A pilot clinical trial
Design, in silico and pharmacological evaluation of a peptide inhibitor of BACE-1.
Spatial Distribution and Biochemical Characterization of Serine Peptidase Inhibitors in the Venom of the Brazilian Sea Anemone Anthopleura cascaia Using Mass Spectrometry Imaging.
Flavonoids: the use in mental health and related diseases.
Preliminary analysis of a clinical trial of children with autism spectrum disorder treated with DHA-rich marine Schizochytrium sp. oil and multi-vitamin/mineral complex.
Echinometra lucunter molecules reduce Aβ42- induced neurotoxicity in SH-SY5Y neuronlike cells: effects on disaggregation and oxidative stress.
A new BACE-1 inhibitor peptide from Macrorhynchia philippina.
A new therapeutic approach for bone metastasis in colorectal cancer: intratumoral melittin.
Reproductive behaviour, cutaneous morphology, and skin secretion analysis in the anuran Dermatonotus muelleri.
Biochemical and Toxinological Characterization of Venom from Macrorhynchia philippina (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa).
Caspase-1 and Cathepsin B Inhibitors from Marine Invertebrates, Aiming at a Reduction in Neuroinflammation.
Antioxidant and anti-sickling activity of glucal-based triazoles compounds - an in vitro and in silico study.
Box Jellyfish (Cnidaria, Cubozoa) Extract Increases Neuron's Connection: A Possible Neuroprotector Effect.
Quantity - but not diversity - of secreted peptides and proteins increases with age in the tree frog Pithecopus nordestinus.
Effects of Kynurenic Acid on the Rat Aorta Ischemia-Reperfusion Model: Pharmacological Characterization and Proteomic Profiling.
Neurotoxicity of Olindias sambaquiensis and Chiropsalmus quadrumanus extracts in sympathetic nervous system.
Proteomic characterization of Naja mandalayensis venom.
Neglected Venomous Animals and Toxins: Underrated Biotechnological Tools in Drug Development.
Screening of new BACE-1 inhibitors from marine animals: Molecular interaction and pharmacokinetic studies to find new drug prototypes.